End Of Life

When pets are very ill or very old, pet owners often wonder “is it time?”
Deciding when to euthanize a beloved pet is a heart wrenching decision that we can help with. We have many pet loss books in our in-house library that can provide different points of view for owners as well as help children through this tough time.
We offer euthanasia services as a regular in-hospital appointment. Pet owners can choose between burial options and cremation choices. Our private comfort room for euthanasia (pictured above) is nicely appointed and very home-like with a fireplace, soft music, lots of natural lighting, comfortable seating and a separate exit.
If you desire an at-home euthanasia service, we can give you a referral to one of several mobile veterinary providers that offer this service.
Euthanasia and Cremation
Once you are considering euthanizing your pet, we will generally schedule a consult visit and exam to be sure all alternative options have been exhausted. Once the decision to euthanize has been made, we will try to make the procedure be a personal experience for you and your pet.
We discuss burial or cremation options and if desired, help you select an urn or other memorial. We will place an IV catheter which will allow us to give the euthanasia solution without difficulty. If your pet is stressed or apprehensive, we will administer a tranquilizer before proceeding.
There is no pain associated with the euthanasia injection and most pets will pass uneventfully and quietly. You are welcome to remain with your pet for awhile to say private good-byes.
If you have requested your pet’s ashes to be returned, we will let you know when they are ready for you.
Pet Loss Resources
If you are dealing with the loss of a pet, please visit our Pet Loss Resources page for a selection of books, links, and other resources.